Saturday, September 27, 2008

My First International Speaking Gig

From a simple visit to a small Methodist Church has come one of the best experiences of all our travels in Ireland. We found folks serious about the Gospel and the Church. We have become good friends with one of the couples from the church in Kenmare. First, our friend Tom stopped by our house for a chat and an invitation to join he and his wife (Christine) for dinner...we left their house at 12:30am. A couple days later they stopped by again for a couple hours and an invitation to speak tomorrow at the church. We have plans to meet together a couple more times in the next two weeks. They are hungry for fellowship...real conversation concerning radical discipleship and intentional Christian community. They certainly have helped fill the void we have experienced being away from Englewood. We are already thinking of books to send them. More later after church.


Anonymous said...

Lisa, I have taken over the 2-5 grades on Sunday night. I was told that there was a play in the works for Christmas, so I tried to continue on that line. The problem is that I can't figure out what has been decided so far. Some of the boys swear that most of it has already been written in stone somewhere (they can't remember where exactly) while most of the girls say that not much really has been decided. Any information you could give me about what you have said and haven't deciced and or said would be helpfull, since Mary, Wanda, and Jenni are all ignorant of you setting anything in motion beyond an idea.

Mike and Lisa Bowling said...

There is no definite plan, we worked one week on beginning a play that I told them maybe could be worked into a Christmas play. The boys worked on coming up with a play of the angels visiting Joseph, and actually in their own odd way came up with something to present. The girls on the other hand, had a much harder time, as they were more worried about who got to be who in the story of Mary visiting Elizabeth. Mary might remember, Rachel got so nervous with her part, she cried.
Just some short acts as we did on Moses, might be a way to go. It's always good to incorporate the art also, as some excel there. Nothing was in stone.